I quit my job at the restaurant. It was too stressful. I don’t want to work in a job that is more stressful than my school work. Its not worth it. I’d rather be broke and studying to get into Med school than stressed out from a job that pays decently. By decently I mean it doesn’t require a degree yet pays above minimum wage. I don’t know why, but now that I’ve quit, I’m petrified that something’s going to happen to me because of it. Its silly but I’m so scared that they are going to call and do something horrible to me. I’ve never quit like this before so that’s probably why but its extremely disconcerting.
The stress was not from the duties of the job but the people I work with. I shouldn’t have to work in an environment that scares me. I was so uncomfortable with most of the people (with the exception of one of the servers) that I just can’t see myself continuing to work there. I don’t want to surround myself with people like that. Maybe its my bible study rubbing off on me but I’m beginning to agree that the people you associate with influence who you are. I don’t want to be around people who don’t have the same values I do. I’m not saying you have to be Catholic in order to be my friend and associate but I’m saying that you have to have a respect for life and a respect for other people. Disrespect is one of my biggest pet peeves and though I know I’m guilty of it at times, I always try to be as respectful as I possibly can be. However, a blatant disrespect for life I cannot tolerate. For instance, one of the servers at the restaurant is pregnant and was talking about drinking while she’s pregnant. That is extremely disrespectful in my opinion. She is being disrespectful to the life she is carrying. I didn’t know what to say. I feel like if I say nothing, I’m condoning that kind of behavior yet if I say something she’ll get upset with me and I have to work with her, well I used to have to work with her. I made some comments regarding the development of her baby (9 weeks- heart starts beating, 10 weeks – toes are formed) and hoped that she would get the idea and either stop talking about it to me or stop drinking. Hopefully she stops drinking.
I guess a part of my objection to her behavior is because I’m so looking forward to having children of my own that I can’t imagine anyone doing anything to jeopardize that. It boggles my mind that people couldn’t care less about their pregnancy. I would be so ecstatic to be pregnant that I would be so scared of doing things wrong. I was talking to a speech therapist and she said that drinking when you’re pregnant is one of the biggest contributing causes to her students. She teaches kids to talk who have speech development issues. Knowing that, how could I drink when I’m pregnant? I realize not everyone knows that little fact but lots of people do know that its detrimental to the development of the fetus. It only makes sense. Its common knowledge that drinking kills brain cells in adults. So if you’re pregnant and you’re drinking, wouldn’t it make sense that alcohol would affect the development of the baby in your belly? Your blood is their blood for several months, pretty much until the end. Your food is their food. If you eat something healthy, they get the nutrients too. If you eat junk food, they eat junk food too. Would you feed a baby a rum and coke? A beer? No, so why do it while they are in your belly? Can’t you make the sacrifice of being alcohol free for nine months? And if you’re a heavy drinker and didn’t know you were pregnant until a month or two after conception its only seven or eight months. Is that too much to ask for your baby?
On other subjects, I finished the book I wanted to finish. I finished it while I was at Potters and still had two and a half hours of work left. I ended up cleaning lots of different things. I swept the floor. I cleaned the paint shelf. I wiped down the paint bottles. I washed stamps. Right before four o’clock, when I was going to leave because it was dead, we got a shipment in so I started un-packing things. Then at 4:15 a little boy and his aunt/sister (I’m not sure which) came in and wanted to paint. I agreed because I was going to be unpacking boxes anyway as long as they got out of there before five. They did. They painted a plaque for his mom’s birthday. It was really sweet. I’m so glad I’m not quitting Potters. I really like working there. I would have missed it a lot if I stopped working there.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
New Jobs blackout
I’m trying to be superwoman. I think its actually working out well. I’ve been working on the den remodel for our foreign exchange student who is coming in August and I think I’m doing pretty good. My goal was to work on it for at least an hour a day. I’ve made pretty good progress. All of the wallpaper is off the walls. Most of the chair-rail is off the wall. The next step is to remove the crown molding and then to mask off the floorboards to we can texture and paint the walls. Mom is really stressed out about life in general and I don’t know what to do about it. Its pretty intense when she gets this way but I’m trying to be helpful by doing most of the remodeling for her. That way, she doesn’t have to worry about it as much. It doesn’t help that she works ten hour days. She needs to work fewer hours but there isn’t much she can do about it. I’ve offered to work in the mornings for her but she hasn’t accepted as of yet. Maybe I can work afternoons for her once I’ve started classes so she can have time to come home and do other things. That would work because she doesn’t have to do things during the afternoon in the summers.
(I have been edited)
My biology class starts on the 9th of June and I’m really looking forward to it. I know it will basically be a review of what I learned in Cell and Molec. Biology at Coe (because its using the same book) but its pretty much been four years since I took that class so it will be nice to have a refresher. Probably I should be reviewing and reading through the chemistry I’ve already covered as well so it will stay fresh for my chemistry class in the fall and more established in my brain for the MCAT next spring but I can’t really motivate myself to do that yet. Mostly because my desk in my room is so cluttered that I can’t justify adding anything more to it, like a chemistry book. I need to work on organizing my room but I’ve just got so much stuff and I can’t seem to throw anything away. I was pretty good around Easter, throwing things away that I wasn’t going to use anymore but now I’m back to the point where I don’t know if I’m going to use it again or not so I don’t want to throw it out in case I need it. I know that’s a bad policy. All of the organizing shows I’ve watched say, if you don’t need it in the foreseeable future then throw it out. You can always buy another one (of whatever it is.) But most of it is sentimental. I don’t want to throw away things with positive memories attached to them. So I throw it into a desk or a drawer and only open the drawer when I can’t find something specific, run across the sentimental thing, then spend fifteen minutes looking through the drawer, enjoying the memories and completely forgetting about what I was looking for in the first place.
I’m working on a book right now, (The Dragonbone Chair) that I’ve been working on since before I moved home. I can’t believe I’m still working on the same book. It is taking me so long to get through this book! Seriously, while its 750+ pages, that usually only takes me about a week or two. I’m going on three weeks! Partly that is because I only get a few minutes here and there and I haven’t been reading at night before I go to sleep but now I’ve been trying to do that and its going faster. A month spent on the same book is a little ridiculous so I’ve made it my goal to finish the book before the beginning of next week. Shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve got a few hours scheduled just for reading during today and tomorrow and I’ve got less than 200 pages left to go. Of course, at the rate I’ve been going, its going to take me all of the time I can muster to do it.
(I have been edited)
My biology class starts on the 9th of June and I’m really looking forward to it. I know it will basically be a review of what I learned in Cell and Molec. Biology at Coe (because its using the same book) but its pretty much been four years since I took that class so it will be nice to have a refresher. Probably I should be reviewing and reading through the chemistry I’ve already covered as well so it will stay fresh for my chemistry class in the fall and more established in my brain for the MCAT next spring but I can’t really motivate myself to do that yet. Mostly because my desk in my room is so cluttered that I can’t justify adding anything more to it, like a chemistry book. I need to work on organizing my room but I’ve just got so much stuff and I can’t seem to throw anything away. I was pretty good around Easter, throwing things away that I wasn’t going to use anymore but now I’m back to the point where I don’t know if I’m going to use it again or not so I don’t want to throw it out in case I need it. I know that’s a bad policy. All of the organizing shows I’ve watched say, if you don’t need it in the foreseeable future then throw it out. You can always buy another one (of whatever it is.) But most of it is sentimental. I don’t want to throw away things with positive memories attached to them. So I throw it into a desk or a drawer and only open the drawer when I can’t find something specific, run across the sentimental thing, then spend fifteen minutes looking through the drawer, enjoying the memories and completely forgetting about what I was looking for in the first place.
I’m working on a book right now, (The Dragonbone Chair) that I’ve been working on since before I moved home. I can’t believe I’m still working on the same book. It is taking me so long to get through this book! Seriously, while its 750+ pages, that usually only takes me about a week or two. I’m going on three weeks! Partly that is because I only get a few minutes here and there and I haven’t been reading at night before I go to sleep but now I’ve been trying to do that and its going faster. A month spent on the same book is a little ridiculous so I’ve made it my goal to finish the book before the beginning of next week. Shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve got a few hours scheduled just for reading during today and tomorrow and I’ve got less than 200 pages left to go. Of course, at the rate I’ve been going, its going to take me all of the time I can muster to do it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Job search
I’ve been a slacker this week, mostly because I’m trying really hard to get into a routine at home and I’m still working on getting everything back in. I don’t really want to wake up any earlier but I might have to. Probably I’ll end up getting up at 6:30 every morning so I can work out and shower and still have time to drive Hillary to school. An hour and a half is plenty of time for me to get my morning routine accomplished. I’m trying to figure out, though, if I can get up later and still get it accomplished. Probably, if I get up and work out at 7:15, I can eat breakfast, drive Hillary to school, then come back and shower. That should work out all right. I can’t do it tomorrow because I’m working at 7am for Kristi but I’ll see if it works for Friday. I’ve just got to get myself motivated to get up and work out. I’ll have to do it either in my room or in the basement because Mom and Dad have the news on when they are here. Probably, at 7:15, though, they will both have left for work so I can probably use the living room TV. We’ll see how it goes.
I’m trying to find a job because my Pearson scoring job fell through. I’m hoping to get a job as a waitress at a restaurant either in North Liberty or on the north edge of Iowa City. I’ve got an application to Eggy’s on 965 in North Liberty and all I have to do is turn it in. I’ve also got an application to Bob’s Your Uncle on North Dodge St which is only about 10 minutes away and I’m supposed to hand in my application in person to the owner so it gives me hope that it will be a hit. I’ve asked Mom to pray for me and I’m praying for me to get a job that will work for the next few months. Hopefully I’ll find something by Friday. That is my goal, is to find a job by Friday. I know, it might be unrealistic, what with the economy as it is but the power of prayer, right?
I’ve been really bored at home lately because there’s nobody here. I’m not used to being by myself so much. Mom wants me to clean so I’ve been doing that this morning, plus I’m doing laundry because I need to but there’s only so much cleaning I can do because there are piles of stuff that I don’t know what to do with because their aren’t mine. Hillary’s stuff I’ve been putting in her room but Mom and Dad’s papers and mail and stuff I’m just not sure what to do with. What needs to happen is them going through their stuff and having a designated pile and getting rid of anything that doesn’t need to be kept. I’ll admit, I’m just as prone to piles but I’m trying to get organized and get better about hiding my piles. I’ve got two junk drawers and a box for papers and school stuff. Right now all I’ve left to find a place for is my shoe basket. Probably I will end up putting it in my closet but I need to get tubs to put my kitchen stuff and bedding in and in the back of the closet before I plug up the front of the closet.
I’m not stressing about not having a job right now because I’m not really in desperate need of money. In reality I’m pretty broke, but all I’ve got is netflix and my target bill to pay. When I get my Potter’s Obsession paycheck this weekend I’ll be able to make a payment on my target bill and then I’ll be set for the rest of May. My school loans, I’m pretty sure, have been deferred and all I really need money for is to buy my books for my class this summer. I’m not sure exactly where to find out what books I need but probably there is a bookstore somewhere that I can find the information at. Mom and Dad paid for my plane ticket to Colorado so I’ve got to pay them back sometime but I’ll get there eventually. If I get a job as a waitress, hopefully I’ll get good enough tips that I’ll be able to pay them back fairly quickly. I don’t want to make them pay for things and not get paid back quickly because I know they don’t have a lot of money to spare right now, especially with the van going on the fritz with the air conditioning and the check engine light coming on and off intermittently.
I can’t find anywhere that lists what books I’ll need for the classes I’m signed up for. I can’t even find the bookstore website, assuming they have one. Its annoying. I’d like to try to get my books cheaper if possible but it looks like I might have to pay the exorbitant bookstore prices if I can’t find something soon.
I’m trying to find a job because my Pearson scoring job fell through. I’m hoping to get a job as a waitress at a restaurant either in North Liberty or on the north edge of Iowa City. I’ve got an application to Eggy’s on 965 in North Liberty and all I have to do is turn it in. I’ve also got an application to Bob’s Your Uncle on North Dodge St which is only about 10 minutes away and I’m supposed to hand in my application in person to the owner so it gives me hope that it will be a hit. I’ve asked Mom to pray for me and I’m praying for me to get a job that will work for the next few months. Hopefully I’ll find something by Friday. That is my goal, is to find a job by Friday. I know, it might be unrealistic, what with the economy as it is but the power of prayer, right?
I’ve been really bored at home lately because there’s nobody here. I’m not used to being by myself so much. Mom wants me to clean so I’ve been doing that this morning, plus I’m doing laundry because I need to but there’s only so much cleaning I can do because there are piles of stuff that I don’t know what to do with because their aren’t mine. Hillary’s stuff I’ve been putting in her room but Mom and Dad’s papers and mail and stuff I’m just not sure what to do with. What needs to happen is them going through their stuff and having a designated pile and getting rid of anything that doesn’t need to be kept. I’ll admit, I’m just as prone to piles but I’m trying to get organized and get better about hiding my piles. I’ve got two junk drawers and a box for papers and school stuff. Right now all I’ve left to find a place for is my shoe basket. Probably I will end up putting it in my closet but I need to get tubs to put my kitchen stuff and bedding in and in the back of the closet before I plug up the front of the closet.
I’m not stressing about not having a job right now because I’m not really in desperate need of money. In reality I’m pretty broke, but all I’ve got is netflix and my target bill to pay. When I get my Potter’s Obsession paycheck this weekend I’ll be able to make a payment on my target bill and then I’ll be set for the rest of May. My school loans, I’m pretty sure, have been deferred and all I really need money for is to buy my books for my class this summer. I’m not sure exactly where to find out what books I need but probably there is a bookstore somewhere that I can find the information at. Mom and Dad paid for my plane ticket to Colorado so I’ve got to pay them back sometime but I’ll get there eventually. If I get a job as a waitress, hopefully I’ll get good enough tips that I’ll be able to pay them back fairly quickly. I don’t want to make them pay for things and not get paid back quickly because I know they don’t have a lot of money to spare right now, especially with the van going on the fritz with the air conditioning and the check engine light coming on and off intermittently.
I can’t find anywhere that lists what books I’ll need for the classes I’m signed up for. I can’t even find the bookstore website, assuming they have one. Its annoying. I’d like to try to get my books cheaper if possible but it looks like I might have to pay the exorbitant bookstore prices if I can’t find something soon.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I think its really sad that I can’t sleep in past 8:30 in the morning. I’ve been up for over an hour now and while Ashley got up and ate breakfast and has left to work out, she got up after me. As far as I know, Lori and Amanda aren’t up either, unless they’re in their room watching TV, which is entirely possible. Either way, I feel like I’ve gotten up way earlier than I needed to. I’ve already showered, too. I also read over a chapter in my book. I’ve packed some more, put together my presents for my roommates, and contemplated doing the dishes. We have so many of them. Again. I’m trying to decide if its my turn to do them. I can’t remember, but I doubt it. Besides, I’ve got to start packing my dishes. I need to get things pretty much ready to go so I can be set for when Adam comes tomorrow. Hopefully all I will need him for is the heavy lifting (my TV) and generally moving. The more people carrying things out, the faster it will go.
We watched Bed Knobs and Broomsticks last night. Amanda and Ashley had never seen it and I’d thought I’d seen it all but there were parts that I definitely didn’t remember seeing so I must have only seen enough bits and pieces to put together the storyline. I really enjoyed it. Ashley really liked it too, though it was kind of long. Its almost two and half hours! A Disney movie! That is excessively long for Disney movies, which are usually an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes. A Disney movie this long is unusual but I didn’t notice the length really until the end when I was getting really tired. Still, it’s probably one of my favorite Disney movies, though it doesn’t have some of my favorite songs. I still enjoyed it. I have this secret future fantasy that my children will love Disney just as much as I do and will obsess over watching all of them and knowing all they can. Actually, I will be happy if they enjoy watching them. The old classic ones that is. Not the new Disney/Pixar ones because I don’t think they are as good as the classic Disney movies like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, even Sword in the Stone and The Fox and the Hound. There’s something about these classic Disney animations that make them extremely lovable. The new ones don’t seem as lovable and cute. Probably because they weren’t a memorable part of my childhood, but I still enjoy watching the classic ones, so why are the new ones less memorable to me? I think they have less singing and dancing segments. The songs are more incorporated into the background, rather than the characters themselves singing. Its also probably why I liked Enchanted so much, because the main character sang her own songs.
I kind of want to move home now. I feel like I’m waiting to get things done, when I could do them right now. If it weren’t for lunch with the Writing Center seniors at 11:30 I’d probably say screw it and move out today rather than tomorrow. Instead, I’ve got to sit around and twiddle my thumbs while I wait for time to pass so I can move out. I could get everything done now so I wouldn’t have to worry about it later but then I’d be sitting in a mostly bare apartment and that would be kind of depressing. I don’t want to be depressed. I’m resisting taking down my posters until the last minute because that will make things seem the most bare and empty. I’ve gotten used to seeing them, if even out of my periphery and to have them down yet still being in the room would be almost intimidating. I’m trying to decide if I’m going to put any of them up in my room at home. I’m tempted to put none of them up and just revel in the pink walls of my room but I’ve got so many, it would be a shame not to use any of them. I’ve got eight full size posters, and four long skinny posters and several smaller ones. One is a dance poster with pink trim that would actually look pretty good in my room but its not of a pose that I particularly enjoy. Hillary stole the one dance poster that I really loved and I don’t have the heart to take it back from her, especially since she’s still dancing and I’m not. All of my posters will not fit in my room so I’d have to make some sacrifices as it is. I’m thinking that some of them would actually look pretty good in the hallway on the way up to my room. I could also do an homage to Gone with the Wind since I have two posters on that movie. That could be really nice, especially next to the corner where I’m going to put the TV and DVDs. Probably I will use those and the long skinny one of a guy and girl in Italy, kissing on a wharf.
We watched Bed Knobs and Broomsticks last night. Amanda and Ashley had never seen it and I’d thought I’d seen it all but there were parts that I definitely didn’t remember seeing so I must have only seen enough bits and pieces to put together the storyline. I really enjoyed it. Ashley really liked it too, though it was kind of long. Its almost two and half hours! A Disney movie! That is excessively long for Disney movies, which are usually an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes. A Disney movie this long is unusual but I didn’t notice the length really until the end when I was getting really tired. Still, it’s probably one of my favorite Disney movies, though it doesn’t have some of my favorite songs. I still enjoyed it. I have this secret future fantasy that my children will love Disney just as much as I do and will obsess over watching all of them and knowing all they can. Actually, I will be happy if they enjoy watching them. The old classic ones that is. Not the new Disney/Pixar ones because I don’t think they are as good as the classic Disney movies like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, even Sword in the Stone and The Fox and the Hound. There’s something about these classic Disney animations that make them extremely lovable. The new ones don’t seem as lovable and cute. Probably because they weren’t a memorable part of my childhood, but I still enjoy watching the classic ones, so why are the new ones less memorable to me? I think they have less singing and dancing segments. The songs are more incorporated into the background, rather than the characters themselves singing. Its also probably why I liked Enchanted so much, because the main character sang her own songs.
I kind of want to move home now. I feel like I’m waiting to get things done, when I could do them right now. If it weren’t for lunch with the Writing Center seniors at 11:30 I’d probably say screw it and move out today rather than tomorrow. Instead, I’ve got to sit around and twiddle my thumbs while I wait for time to pass so I can move out. I could get everything done now so I wouldn’t have to worry about it later but then I’d be sitting in a mostly bare apartment and that would be kind of depressing. I don’t want to be depressed. I’m resisting taking down my posters until the last minute because that will make things seem the most bare and empty. I’ve gotten used to seeing them, if even out of my periphery and to have them down yet still being in the room would be almost intimidating. I’m trying to decide if I’m going to put any of them up in my room at home. I’m tempted to put none of them up and just revel in the pink walls of my room but I’ve got so many, it would be a shame not to use any of them. I’ve got eight full size posters, and four long skinny posters and several smaller ones. One is a dance poster with pink trim that would actually look pretty good in my room but its not of a pose that I particularly enjoy. Hillary stole the one dance poster that I really loved and I don’t have the heart to take it back from her, especially since she’s still dancing and I’m not. All of my posters will not fit in my room so I’d have to make some sacrifices as it is. I’m thinking that some of them would actually look pretty good in the hallway on the way up to my room. I could also do an homage to Gone with the Wind since I have two posters on that movie. That could be really nice, especially next to the corner where I’m going to put the TV and DVDs. Probably I will use those and the long skinny one of a guy and girl in Italy, kissing on a wharf.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Lori and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings last night for Tom Bredfield’s birthday/graduation party. It was fun and interesting and I felt really out of place because the only reason I was there was because of Lori. I don’t really hang out with Tom at all and I felt bad because he was buying everything. (Actually, I think his parents were paying him back but still.) We ended up doing some errand running, going to Target, David’s Bridal, and Blockbuster to rent movies so we have something to do between now and graduation. Last night we watched Last Chance Harvey with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. It was really cute. I really enjoyed watching it. It was a romantic comedy sort of but not in the pop culture Hollywood style bells and whistles sort of romantic comedy but a sweet romantic comedy about two people who find each other and enjoy each other’s company. I really liked it but I’m not sure I would buy it. It’s not one of those movies that you buy and watch over and over. Its something you rent every now and then and enjoy, with long spaces between viewings. We also rented Changeling and Slumdog Millionaire so we’ll watch those sometime today and tomorrow.
I feel like this week is going by really slowly. I want it to be Friday already and it just isn’t working out. It keeps taking forever to get there. Technically, I have two finals today, one at 2pm (Color critique) and one at 7pm (Advanced Art critique—not my stuff). So I’m just twiddling my thumbs for the rest of the week really. I’m going to go shopping as soon as I’m done in the writing center. Actually, I could probably go now if I wanted to but the mall isn’t open and I can’t think of anywhere else I could go to get the stuff I want. Probably I could go to the dollar store. That would be a good place to go and get stuff for gift bag stuff. Actually, the idea I had in mind is probably not going to be financially feasible anymore. I realized that my brain was getting a little too creative and if I put together the gift bags the way I wanted to, it would be at least $30 a person and I don’t have that kind of money to spend. So, it will probably be something a little smaller. Maybe I’ll find something when I’m shopping that will scream all three of them and I can get a different kind for each person. I got the impression that its not to be something expensive anyway which is good. I’ll just have to browse around a little. If I can’t find something today, there’s always tomorrow morning as well.
I felt really bad because Mom wanted me to work for her on Friday so she can go hear Hillary sing but I can’t because I have to work at Potter’s, 4-8. Actually, I would have loved to go hear Hillary sing as well but I can’t. Besides I need the money for working at Potter’s. I can’t afford to not work right now. At least, not until I either accept the job at Pearson’s or get one at a nursing home so they’ll pay for me to get my CNA. I still feel really badly about it, though. I wish I could help. I hope she can find someone to work for her so she can go. It would suck if she couldn’t go because its so far away. It’s in Grinnell. That is farther than Solon has ever had to go to get to Large Group contest. I wonder how it works out this way this year. Usually its in Tipton or West Liberty, somewhere semi-close, that doesn’t require over an hours worth of driving one way. I’ll just have to pray that she finds someone to work for her.
I forgot completely that I won’t be at Bible study tomorrow night because we’ve got a senior dinner first and then Amanda wants to go out again. I’m all for going to the Piano Lounge but I don’t really want to go to a “club” because its just not me. The dancing is fun for a little while but when strange guys come up to you and start dancing with you it gets old real fast. I’ll go on Thursday but I hope we don’t end up staying long. The Piano Lounge is much more my style and I’d be much happier doing that then going to a club. Besides, I’d spend less money because Piano Lounge has half price drinks on Thursdays.
I feel like this week is going by really slowly. I want it to be Friday already and it just isn’t working out. It keeps taking forever to get there. Technically, I have two finals today, one at 2pm (Color critique) and one at 7pm (Advanced Art critique—not my stuff). So I’m just twiddling my thumbs for the rest of the week really. I’m going to go shopping as soon as I’m done in the writing center. Actually, I could probably go now if I wanted to but the mall isn’t open and I can’t think of anywhere else I could go to get the stuff I want. Probably I could go to the dollar store. That would be a good place to go and get stuff for gift bag stuff. Actually, the idea I had in mind is probably not going to be financially feasible anymore. I realized that my brain was getting a little too creative and if I put together the gift bags the way I wanted to, it would be at least $30 a person and I don’t have that kind of money to spend. So, it will probably be something a little smaller. Maybe I’ll find something when I’m shopping that will scream all three of them and I can get a different kind for each person. I got the impression that its not to be something expensive anyway which is good. I’ll just have to browse around a little. If I can’t find something today, there’s always tomorrow morning as well.
I felt really bad because Mom wanted me to work for her on Friday so she can go hear Hillary sing but I can’t because I have to work at Potter’s, 4-8. Actually, I would have loved to go hear Hillary sing as well but I can’t. Besides I need the money for working at Potter’s. I can’t afford to not work right now. At least, not until I either accept the job at Pearson’s or get one at a nursing home so they’ll pay for me to get my CNA. I still feel really badly about it, though. I wish I could help. I hope she can find someone to work for her so she can go. It would suck if she couldn’t go because its so far away. It’s in Grinnell. That is farther than Solon has ever had to go to get to Large Group contest. I wonder how it works out this way this year. Usually its in Tipton or West Liberty, somewhere semi-close, that doesn’t require over an hours worth of driving one way. I’ll just have to pray that she finds someone to work for her.
I forgot completely that I won’t be at Bible study tomorrow night because we’ve got a senior dinner first and then Amanda wants to go out again. I’m all for going to the Piano Lounge but I don’t really want to go to a “club” because its just not me. The dancing is fun for a little while but when strange guys come up to you and start dancing with you it gets old real fast. I’ll go on Thursday but I hope we don’t end up staying long. The Piano Lounge is much more my style and I’d be much happier doing that then going to a club. Besides, I’d spend less money because Piano Lounge has half price drinks on Thursdays.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Worth Less
I took my chemistry final this morning. It wasn’t that difficult. I’ll probably get an A or a B+ at the worst. I’m excited that my school work is over until this summer. I don’t have much to do for the rest of the week so I’m trying to figure out what I should do now. I’ll probably end up sprawled in front of the tv, watching Desperate Housewives but I could be doing something productive. We’re doing a gift exchange sort of thing between roommates for the end of the year and I’ve no idea what I’m going to get anybody. I was going to get Lori the cups that I gave her for her bridal shower but I wasn’t paying attention to the fact that I’d already have gotten her the cups. Now I’ve got to think of something else. I could do a general gift thing. If I was thinking, I would have been on top of things and made something at Potter’s but I wasn’t thinking and now its too late. I could still do something crafty, though, if I went to Michael’s and had a look around. I’m sure I could come up with something. Also, surprise baskets are my favorite thing ever, especially when they are well thought out. Maybe I will contemplate ideas for a gift basket for each of them. That would be really fun, plus I think it would be really fun to receive as well.
What do I know about each of my roommates? What can I get them that they will appreciate? Ashley likes bananas and doesn’t like vegetables. Amanda likes “ghetto” music and doesn’t like physical contact. Lori is getting married in July and hates the color red. Not a lot of help for a gift basket. Maybe I’ll cruise the mall and Wal-mart and Target and pick up odds and ends and make a fun surprise thing. That would be really fun. Socks. Socks are always fun, too. And a picture frame. But maybe not. Who knows what I’ll find.
The only thing I have left to do is my color critique tomorrow and AAR tomorrow evening. Thursday I’ve got two meals already planned (both senior meals) and Friday I’m moving home because there’s no time on Saturday to do it. I’m going to have much more free time than I think because even this afternoon, I’ve got nothing to do. Maybe I’ll go shopping for the surprise basket/bag/thing and see what I can find.
I’m slightly obsessed with a mug that Lori and I found at the Hallmark store in the mall. Its by a cartoon called Hoops and Yoyo and sings a song that some people might find annoying but I find intensely amusing. I’m tempted to buy it but I’m still slightly broke right now so probably I won’t, since its fifteen dollars and I can’t really afford to spend that much money on a coffee mug, plus books take priority over frivolous things. (Yes, I realize that books could also be considered frivolous but not to me. You should know that by now.)
I had several epiphanies yesterday. Most of them were involving chemistry problems of relatively low importance but the other was when I was praying my rosary, I prayed for God to bring me to the right guy, right now. Then I realized: I’m happy right now. I don’t need a guy. I’m just fine with where my life is right now. I’ve got friends and family, a purpose, and a means of achieving that purpose. The right guy will show up when he shows up and that isn’t right now. If it is right now, then it’s the right time and I’ll go with the flow. Since I haven’t met anyone and I doubt I’ll meet anyone here at Coe, I’m pretty sure now is not the right time. Besides, I’m going to be very busy from now on, with getting my CNA and OMT (oral medicine technician) and with classes so I’m not really going to have much time to focus on a social life, even less a boyfriend, especially if that boyfriend is as time-consuming as Alex was.
Caleb tried to convince me that living at home for the next few years is a bad idea. It didn’t work because his only argument was partying would be easier if I lived in Iowa City, where my friends are partying at. My argument is that its cheaper to live at home and I can always stay at friends houses, especially if Beth decides to live in Iowa City. I’m sure she’ll let me sleep at her place whenever I want to and it won’t be a big deal at all. He frustrates me sometimes. I think he’s getting too involved with the Russians (a very bad thing) because that’s all he seems to hang out with anymore. They keep horrible hours and are going to need liver transplants when they’re 30. Actually, they might be 30 now. I’ve no idea how old they are. But they are a bad influence. If they were good friends, they’d see the potential in Caleb and encourage him to take action that maximizes his potential instead of dragging him into the horrible things they do. I’m sure they’re find people but they don’t exactly live the most savory of lives and I don’t appreciate them dragging Caleb into it. It’s not good and will only end badly. You can’t spend your life partying. Why? I can’t say but I know that a) its not responsible and b) no one will respect you and c) what is the purpose of it? How can you live a life with no purpose? No goals? What is the point of life with no goals? What is existence without purpose and direction? Life needs a purpose, a goal, a direction, or else its worth less.
What do I know about each of my roommates? What can I get them that they will appreciate? Ashley likes bananas and doesn’t like vegetables. Amanda likes “ghetto” music and doesn’t like physical contact. Lori is getting married in July and hates the color red. Not a lot of help for a gift basket. Maybe I’ll cruise the mall and Wal-mart and Target and pick up odds and ends and make a fun surprise thing. That would be really fun. Socks. Socks are always fun, too. And a picture frame. But maybe not. Who knows what I’ll find.
The only thing I have left to do is my color critique tomorrow and AAR tomorrow evening. Thursday I’ve got two meals already planned (both senior meals) and Friday I’m moving home because there’s no time on Saturday to do it. I’m going to have much more free time than I think because even this afternoon, I’ve got nothing to do. Maybe I’ll go shopping for the surprise basket/bag/thing and see what I can find.
I’m slightly obsessed with a mug that Lori and I found at the Hallmark store in the mall. Its by a cartoon called Hoops and Yoyo and sings a song that some people might find annoying but I find intensely amusing. I’m tempted to buy it but I’m still slightly broke right now so probably I won’t, since its fifteen dollars and I can’t really afford to spend that much money on a coffee mug, plus books take priority over frivolous things. (Yes, I realize that books could also be considered frivolous but not to me. You should know that by now.)
I had several epiphanies yesterday. Most of them were involving chemistry problems of relatively low importance but the other was when I was praying my rosary, I prayed for God to bring me to the right guy, right now. Then I realized: I’m happy right now. I don’t need a guy. I’m just fine with where my life is right now. I’ve got friends and family, a purpose, and a means of achieving that purpose. The right guy will show up when he shows up and that isn’t right now. If it is right now, then it’s the right time and I’ll go with the flow. Since I haven’t met anyone and I doubt I’ll meet anyone here at Coe, I’m pretty sure now is not the right time. Besides, I’m going to be very busy from now on, with getting my CNA and OMT (oral medicine technician) and with classes so I’m not really going to have much time to focus on a social life, even less a boyfriend, especially if that boyfriend is as time-consuming as Alex was.
Caleb tried to convince me that living at home for the next few years is a bad idea. It didn’t work because his only argument was partying would be easier if I lived in Iowa City, where my friends are partying at. My argument is that its cheaper to live at home and I can always stay at friends houses, especially if Beth decides to live in Iowa City. I’m sure she’ll let me sleep at her place whenever I want to and it won’t be a big deal at all. He frustrates me sometimes. I think he’s getting too involved with the Russians (a very bad thing) because that’s all he seems to hang out with anymore. They keep horrible hours and are going to need liver transplants when they’re 30. Actually, they might be 30 now. I’ve no idea how old they are. But they are a bad influence. If they were good friends, they’d see the potential in Caleb and encourage him to take action that maximizes his potential instead of dragging him into the horrible things they do. I’m sure they’re find people but they don’t exactly live the most savory of lives and I don’t appreciate them dragging Caleb into it. It’s not good and will only end badly. You can’t spend your life partying. Why? I can’t say but I know that a) its not responsible and b) no one will respect you and c) what is the purpose of it? How can you live a life with no purpose? No goals? What is the point of life with no goals? What is existence without purpose and direction? Life needs a purpose, a goal, a direction, or else its worth less.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I’ve got my chemistry final tomorrow morning and I can’t bring myself to study very much for it. I took the practice test and did alright (I passed it) so I’m hoping things will go okay in tomorrow’s test because I really can’t motivate myself to learn any more than what I’ve already absorbed. Plus, I’m really frustrated because there are two problems that I thought I knew how to do but I can’t seem to get the right answer. I’ll keep working on them throughout the day and hopefully I’ll get there. I know I’m on the right track and its probably some math something or other that’s got me getting the wrong answer. In theory, I know what should happen in both cases but knowing the theory and being able to do the problems is a little different. I must say, though, that the theory is probably going to be more useful than the plug and chug aspect.
I feel right now like I don’t have much stuff to move back home but I know when it comes to Friday and packing everything up, its suddenly going to seem like so much more. I’m probably going to need more than the two tubs and large suitcase I brought back from home but hopefully I can make everything fit. I’ve got enough random boxes that I can shove stuff into that it shouldn’t be as big of a deal as I think. I’m only worried about transporting my tv/dvd/stereo as I don’t want them to sit in a hot car for too long but I also don’t want to have to load them by myself. Adam is going to come over at 1pm so we can load his car with stuff. I completely forgot about my loveseat, though, and Ashley reminded me last night. This weekend is completely hectic for my family so I’m not really sure when a good time to pick up the loveseat would be. Maybe I’ll borrow Dad’s truck on Friday afternoon, before work and after Adam comes so that I can load it into his truck and he can drive it home. Hopefully it doesn’t rain. That would make my life so much more difficult. The seven day forecast last night said rain in the middle of the week but nothing on Friday or Saturday so it should work out okay to use the truck. Otherwise I’ll have to use the van and take the seats out of it and that’s just a hassle.
Caleb is coming over for lunch today and we’re going to watch a movie called Let the Right One In. Its some sort of vampire movie and its his new favorite movie. We’ll see how it goes. I’m excited because we’re going to have taco pizza. I think we’ll order it from Paul Revere’s and then I can get breadsticks! Their breadsticks are my absolute favorite and I would consider them the best breadsticks from a pizza place I’ve ever had. Olive Garden and Fazoli’s also have good breadsticks but theirs are Italian style and slightly different. Pizza place breadsticks have a different texture to them and Paul Revere’s is the best.
I’m going to try to get my Certified Nurses Assistant (CNA) this summer. It feels like the right thing to do, plus it will enable me to get a job in a hospital setting so I’ll have something to do between next year and the year I start med school. Mom talked to Nancy Upmeyer about it and she said I should get a job at a nursing home and then they’d pay for me to get my CNA which is good because its kind of expensive. I’m thinking I might do that instead of working at Pearson’s. A nursing home would be productive in getting me used to working in a health related field, even if indirectly. (By the way, how strange/cool is it that Bob Upmeyer, Nancy’s husband, works at the University of Iowa Financial Aid office and he helped me out the other day and now Nancy herself is helping me attain my future as well? I think its very interesting.) While a nursing home is not my ideal job, if they will pay for me to get my CNA then I can work at a nursing home. I’ll be honest, old people make me nervous but I need to get over that, especially if I’m going to be a doctor. A person’s a person no matter how old. I can work with them. They might be interesting. Especially since I’ve recently become fascinated with my grandparents lives before I knew them. Grandma Duck used to smoke in the church steeple with her girlfriends when she was in high school. I thought that was so interesting. She always seems like such a straight-laced woman, I would never have known that about her. Since I’ll be going to school in Iowa City, I plan to visit her much more often. Maybe I’ll pick an afternoon to visit with her, play cards, that sort of thing.
Books: I finished Child of the Holy Grail, which was the third in a series telling the story of Arthur, Guenevere, and Lancelot. I really enjoyed the series, though it was slow in the beginning. It was very complex and involved and I think stayed fairly true to the original idea of the legend. The same author wrote a series about Tristan and Isolde that I’m going to read so I’m looking forward to that. I’ve got several books to read between now and then however.
I feel right now like I don’t have much stuff to move back home but I know when it comes to Friday and packing everything up, its suddenly going to seem like so much more. I’m probably going to need more than the two tubs and large suitcase I brought back from home but hopefully I can make everything fit. I’ve got enough random boxes that I can shove stuff into that it shouldn’t be as big of a deal as I think. I’m only worried about transporting my tv/dvd/stereo as I don’t want them to sit in a hot car for too long but I also don’t want to have to load them by myself. Adam is going to come over at 1pm so we can load his car with stuff. I completely forgot about my loveseat, though, and Ashley reminded me last night. This weekend is completely hectic for my family so I’m not really sure when a good time to pick up the loveseat would be. Maybe I’ll borrow Dad’s truck on Friday afternoon, before work and after Adam comes so that I can load it into his truck and he can drive it home. Hopefully it doesn’t rain. That would make my life so much more difficult. The seven day forecast last night said rain in the middle of the week but nothing on Friday or Saturday so it should work out okay to use the truck. Otherwise I’ll have to use the van and take the seats out of it and that’s just a hassle.
Caleb is coming over for lunch today and we’re going to watch a movie called Let the Right One In. Its some sort of vampire movie and its his new favorite movie. We’ll see how it goes. I’m excited because we’re going to have taco pizza. I think we’ll order it from Paul Revere’s and then I can get breadsticks! Their breadsticks are my absolute favorite and I would consider them the best breadsticks from a pizza place I’ve ever had. Olive Garden and Fazoli’s also have good breadsticks but theirs are Italian style and slightly different. Pizza place breadsticks have a different texture to them and Paul Revere’s is the best.
I’m going to try to get my Certified Nurses Assistant (CNA) this summer. It feels like the right thing to do, plus it will enable me to get a job in a hospital setting so I’ll have something to do between next year and the year I start med school. Mom talked to Nancy Upmeyer about it and she said I should get a job at a nursing home and then they’d pay for me to get my CNA which is good because its kind of expensive. I’m thinking I might do that instead of working at Pearson’s. A nursing home would be productive in getting me used to working in a health related field, even if indirectly. (By the way, how strange/cool is it that Bob Upmeyer, Nancy’s husband, works at the University of Iowa Financial Aid office and he helped me out the other day and now Nancy herself is helping me attain my future as well? I think its very interesting.) While a nursing home is not my ideal job, if they will pay for me to get my CNA then I can work at a nursing home. I’ll be honest, old people make me nervous but I need to get over that, especially if I’m going to be a doctor. A person’s a person no matter how old. I can work with them. They might be interesting. Especially since I’ve recently become fascinated with my grandparents lives before I knew them. Grandma Duck used to smoke in the church steeple with her girlfriends when she was in high school. I thought that was so interesting. She always seems like such a straight-laced woman, I would never have known that about her. Since I’ll be going to school in Iowa City, I plan to visit her much more often. Maybe I’ll pick an afternoon to visit with her, play cards, that sort of thing.
Books: I finished Child of the Holy Grail, which was the third in a series telling the story of Arthur, Guenevere, and Lancelot. I really enjoyed the series, though it was slow in the beginning. It was very complex and involved and I think stayed fairly true to the original idea of the legend. The same author wrote a series about Tristan and Isolde that I’m going to read so I’m looking forward to that. I’ve got several books to read between now and then however.
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