Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weather and Senior Send-Off

I’m being such a slacker this week. It’s the last full week of classes and I don’t have a lot of work left to do except study for my finals and those are too far off for me to contemplate studying for them right now. Okay, so they’re really only two weeks away but still, that’s too far for me. If I start studying now, I’ll probably just forget the info in two weeks time. I’ll start next week, I hope.

I’ve also been a slacker because I didn’t work out this morning or yesterday like I usually do. Instead, I sat and watched TV this morning. Probably not the most productive thing to do but I was tired. The thermostat was set at 76 last night but I didn’t realize it until this morning. I slept horribly. I kept waking up and tossing and turning and I’m pretty sure now, it was because I was too hot. I don’t understand how Lori can sleep at such high temperatures. It’s a good thing she’s moving to California. They’re having record high temperatures for the month right now. Personally, I prefer Iowa’s 50’s and 60’s to California’s 90’s and 100’s. There is such a thing as too hot, and besides, I would have to wear spf 60 sunscreen everyday and its so greasy and oily that I would hate it. I much prefer Iowa and its cooler temperatures. True, we might see 100 degrees this summer but it probably won’t be for more than a week. 100 degrees in April is just wrong. I would anticipate the end of the world coming soon if Iowa ever had a 100 degree day in April.

Caleb is driving me a little bonkers right now (Caleb, if you’re reading this, please try to understand.) I’m not a phone person. I don’t really like to talk on the phone, especially is its not for any specific reason. He keeps calling me. I don’t mind talking to him when there is a purpose but I don’t want to randomly talk on the phone because I don’t like to do it. I understand that he’s bored and lonely and wants intelligent people to talk to but he needs to realize that I just don’t like to talk on the phone all that much. So I ignore most of his phone calls. I also think that texting is a much more efficient way of getting my attention if you’re bored. I can text and do other things at the same time and it won’t get on my nerves. Phone calls should be reserved for purposes. Texting can be random.

Amanda is freaking out about Senior Send-off, the unofficial part where everybody gets the seniors wasted. She’s afraid of how drunk they are going to get her, I think. I agree slightly that the juniors are probably going to try to get us completely trashed but if I’m at my limit, I’m at my limit and no amount of coaxing, chanting, yelling, and cajoling will induce me to drink more than I can or something I don’t want to (like beer.) I think Senior Send-off could be a blast but I don’t want it to turn into a puking fest. Traditionally, the seniors have to chug a beer as they come in the door to the party but I’m going to request something different. Chugging a beer will make me sick to my stomach and make me not want to drink anything for the rest of the night. So, I’m trying to figure out a way I can let the juniors know that they should have alternative drinks on hand. Hopefully they make some sort of jungle juice or punch and I’ll gladly chug a drink of that. If I stick to liquor or beer alone and not some combination, I’ll probably be fine the whole night.

We ended up with some pretty sweet costume ideas based on the ones I looked up. I’m not going to share what they are right now, in case someone reads this, but its awesome and I’m super excited. Its like Halloween!

I cleaned Dad’s shop yesterday then went to Barnes and Noble. I know, I know, I shouldn’t have gone because I only end up spending money (which I did) but it makes me happy. The way I see it, if I’m addicted to books, at least it’s a healthy addiction and not something that is going to ruin my life. I sometimes wish my mom was more like my friend Beth’s mom, who buys her books all the time, but I also think that my mom has the right of it, feeding the habit is not a good thing. Fortunately, I can afford to buy my own books and I can get them any time I want. I’ve discovered that my struggle to afford books is what caused me to reread books all the time—that, and because I really like the books, but because I couldn’t always afford to buy new books, I would reread the old ones. So I have a smaller collection of books that I would like but most of them are well loved and well read.

I bought the next two books in the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris because I read them so quickly, and I had a 15% off coupon for one item so I justified the purchase of two books. The way I see it, I could be spending my money on drugs or tobacco, both of which are physically addicting and much more expensive in the long run. On average I probably spend $30 or less a month on books. When you think about it, that averages to one paperback book a week or less. I go through that easily. In fact, with the Charlaine Harris books, I’m through them in about half a day. So, it really is frugal of me to not spend more than that because it gives me more time to reread the ones I already have.

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