Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flunk day and Disneyworld

Today I was going to go through my routine like I always do but because it is Symposium day (no classes) I was a slacker and slept in. It felt good but now I feel like I’m off track. I have a lot of work to do for the rest of the day. I have to catch up in chemistry and I have to work on my color project because I’m not going to be in color class on Friday and its due Monday. Instead I’ll be going to a 3pm Good Friday service. It makes me happy to go to a 3pm service. Its considered the hour of mercy, the hour Christ died on the cross and having a service at that time seems the appropriate time to have it. Strangely enough, most Cedar Rapids Catholic churches do not have a 3pm service. I know because I tried to find one last year so I could go to it and they couldn’t be found. So I’m skipping color class to go to mass. I feel like it’s a legitimate excuse. Peter (the professor) could argue that I could find a different service to go to, one at a different time, but that’s when I pull out the hour of mercy card.

I’m signed up for an etiquette dinner tomorrow evening which starts at five and I thought for sure it would only be an hour but its two hours. I was supposed to play the piano for Holy Thursday mass in Solon which starts at 7pm but now I can’t make it. I have to go to this etiquette dinner in order to graduate.

Amanda heard a rumor that Flunk Day is going to be next Wednesday. I would cry if it was next Wednesday because I have a chemistry test that day and they stress me out a lot. The last time I had a chemistry test I was so stressed out that I missed classes for the rest of the day to go sit in Barnes and Noble. (Which sounds like a good idea for this afternoon. I think I’ll do that this afternoon instead of my Color project.) She was in the library and was talking to an older gentleman who needed help with loading paper in the printer. As she was doing it, he was asking her about Flunk Day and if she knew when it was. A janitor was working close by and overheard them. He interjected that Flunk Day was going to be next Wednesday. She was really upset at him. I would be too because of all the days it could be this spring, that is the day I least want it to be.

Dr. Bob just sat down and talked to me about my art. He wants to purchase the piece entitled “With a Match” but he wants me to get it framed before I sell it to him. He said he’ll pay for the framing because he wants to spend more than $100 on the purchase of a piece. I’m excited because he liked the one that got the least attention in my previous critiques. Granted the color was slightly different in the critique but the ideas were still the same and my fellow art students and professors didn’t pay much attention to it. I did show it on the same day as I showed my mother’s piece but still, they just complained about the color and didn’t say anything about the interaction between the figures. Dr. Bob loves the ambiguity of the interaction between the figures. One is lying with her back to us and the other is shown in a mirror with a light in her hand. The title gives away what the light is but without that knowledge the action and presence of the figure in the mirror is unknown. He told me about a book that deals with similar issues written by a local woman named Barbara Scott. I wrote it down so I could read it sometime if I want to remember it.

Last night I helped Amanda prepare for a phone interview with Disney today. She’s applied for two different internships with Disney and I’m a little jealous. I wish I’d thought to apply to something like that. I think it would be really fun, even if I did have to live on my own for six months in Florida. Six months in Florida would probably be the best thing I could do for myself if I had to go away somewhere, especially since its with Disneyworld. I wonder if she gets free access to all of the theme parks? I would love to do that. Maybe during the year off between classes and med school I’ll apply for an internship with Disney. That would be awesome and definitely something to look forward to. I’ve even considered having my honeymoon at Disneyworld and haven’t entirely ruled it out. My options right now that I’m thinking about (yes I know it’s a little premature since I don’t even have a boyfriend, much less a fiancĂ©e, but a girl can dream) are Disneyworld or some tropical coast in Costa Rica. I do love Disneyworld though. The last time I was there I was with my family and we watched the Main Street Electrical Parade then the fireworks over Magic Kingdom castle and I cried because it was so beautiful and magical. There’s something about Disney that makes everything perfect. They are the masters of detail. I watched a show about Disney weddings and they make everything as perfect as you could possibly want it. If you want something specific, they will make it happen. I don’t think they have the word impossible in their vocabulary. Think about it. The first time I was at Disneyworld we went on their safari ride and I really was convinced that there were poachers trying to shoot the animals. It wasn’t until the end of the ride when I was talking to my dad about it and he told me it was staged that I figured it out. Maybe I’m just gullible. Maybe I’m just more willing to believe in the magic of Disney but I still think it would make an excellent honeymoon destination.

Books: I finished The Wayward Muse last night. It was okay. I didn’t like the ending very much because it didn’t end romantically the way I wanted it to end but I did enjoy reading it. Probably I will not read it again but maybe I will. I’ll keep it around for awhile and see how I feel about it. For historical fiction, I did enjoy it but I feel like the characters, while based on real people, did not behave as I thought they should for the time period. The women seemed far too independent but maybe that’s a result of being involved with artists.

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