Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ADD attack

I’m still reeling over the shock of Alex’s phone call but I think it was a good thing to happen. Caleb said he and Alex had a conversation about when is the right time to apologize to women and I wonder if that triggered his desire to apologize to me.

I was a bad person and put off doing a lot of homework last week so now I have quite a bit piling up. Not nearly so much as Amanda, poor girl, but a significant amount. I need to work on my film final, which is two 3-4 page essays on given subjects and make my AAR disc with my images on it, and start studying for my chem. final. I’m officially done with lab, thank God, and soon I will be done with Color as well. I’m excited. I’m really excited. I can’t wait to be done. I’m so ready to move on. I’m tired of Coe. I’m tired of being away from home. I just want to not do anything for like, three days. I know, three days, you’re thinking. What good is three days? Well, three days is plenty of time to relax. More than that and I’ll be bored out of my skull.

I’m planning on having a Desperate Housewives marathon in the coming weeks because I can and I want to and it’s what I did last year, too. I watch Desperate Housewives during Finals week because it makes me feel lighthearted and happy. I had to miss this week’s episode because I was writing a lab report but Amanda, Ashley and I are planning on watching it tonight. It will take less than an hour but provide priceless enjoyment. Besides, I have to find out what happens. Edie died in the last one and I need to know how the women of Wisteria Lane are coping with the loss. Honestly, I was shocked she died. She’s been shunned so many times, or almost killed, or something that keeps her from participating but she’s always comes back. I secretly hope she does come back.

I’m being a bad person. Well, not really. I’m surfing the internet for information about New Moon, the next movie in the Twilight saga, as its called. I’m really excited to see it because I’m pretty sure it will be better than the first one since they’re putting so much effort into it. I hope it turns out well. I’ll definitely be at whatever midnight premier they have when it comes out in November.

I’m ADD again today. Back and forth, all over the place with my writing. Now I’m looking up info on the HBO tv series True Blood which is based on the Sookie Stackhouse series I just finished reading. I’m hoping that season one will be on dvd soon enough that I can get it on Netflix. That would be sweet!!!!

I can’t focus right now. I’ll do this later.

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