Monday, April 27, 2009

A surprising phone call

I got the strangest phone call last night. I am very rarely speechless but my mouth was opening and closing and no sounds were coming out.

Alex called me.

Alex called me to apologize for being so rotten to me.


I’m in shock. I answered the phone call (I knew it was him) expecting to have to hurt his feelings and turn him down. I wondered if Anice had broken up with him or he had broken up with her. No. All of that ran through my head before I even answered. He started talking and said he hadn’t expected that I would answer the phone. He started apologizing for the way he treated me. I was tempted to say, “It’s okay,” but thought, its really not okay. He didn’t respect me. He cheated on me. I bullied me. He picked on me. He belittled my thoughts and opinions. But now he’s apologizing. I’m in shock. I know I keep saying that but its because its true. I didn’t know what to say so I just listened. I wished I could have recorded it. I would have loved to listen again and hear him apologize again. He never apologized when we were dating, for anything. Ever. And here he is, almost a year after we broke up, apologizing. I don’t know what to do with myself.


Basically he implied that he didn’t know how good he had it until he didn’t have it anymore and he felt really bad about it and so decided to apologize. I will admit, the thought that maybe he was in a 12-step recovery program or something, cuz I know for AA and SA (sex addicts anonymous) that one of the steps is to make amends. Is he trying to make amends or did he really do this on his own? Mom made a good point, when I told her about it; he is an emotionally sensitive person. It is entirely possible that he thought this up on his own. But having the guts to do it? I’m impressed slightly. (Don’t panic anyone. Being impressed is not an indicator that I would get back together with him. I’m worth so much more, now.) I hope he’s on the road to somewhere better than where he used to be. I can't imagine him continuing his life on the path he was on before (no job, living at home, partying all the time). Maybe Anice is better for him than his friends first thought. Maybe she's a good influence on him. I wish them the best.

Senior Send Off was a blast. I looked awesome in my “Red-Headed Slut” costume. Amanda and Lori were “Brass Monkey” and “Sex on the Beach” respectively. We were the best dressed, if I do say so myself. I got very drunk but not so drunk as to not remember anything. I did kiss a lot of people though. I had on some dark lipstick so it was really fun leaving lipstick prints all over everybody. I felt bad for Lori because she started throwing up after she shotgunned a beer. Overall it was a really fun time, though. Oh! Amanda kept telling people she’d “cut” people for them. Then she asked Lori what that meant the next morning. It was really funny.

The next morning I woke up fairly early, hung over, and went to church. I got back with McDonald’s breakfast in my hands and Lori and Amanda wanted to go to Perkins for brunch so I went with them instead. It was fun. It was relaxing too. I like going to Perkins. I like their breakfast. They always serve it and it is always delicious. Probably my favorite is the hash browns. I got scrambled eggs instead of an omelet but I wish I’d gotten an omelet because their eggs had no flavor. They are probably fake eggs and they probably don’t make them with milk and salt and pepper. Scrambled eggs without milk just aren’t scrambled eggs. They don’t get light and fluffy and tasty. They get flat and texture-less.

I did almost no reading this weekend—a huge surprise. I just didn’t have time. I’ll have more time, hopefully, as the week progresses because classes are over on Wednesday and once Friday is gone, all I’ll have to study for is chemistry and I’m not going to do that 24/7. I’d go insane.

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