Friday, April 10, 2009

Bible Study and Easter

I went to bible study last night and I was there for three hours. Funny thing is, we don’t spend three hours talking about faith-related stuff. We probably spend an hour or less on task supposedly and the rest of it off task, talking about our problems and experiences and generally venting. The thing is, though, that a lot of what we’re talking about has some sort of relation to our subject, distant though it might be. For example, last night the subject of our discussion was supposed to center on gossip and the effect of what we say on other people. Recently, some people have been having bad experiences with other people and sharing it in our group. True, our group is confidential but they still felt really guilty about sharing negative information about other people.

I’m kind of excited to go home this afternoon. I’m looking forward to doing more work on my room. I’ve got a plan all laid out and I’m looking forward to implementing it. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the giant bowl chair that’s in my room and full of pillows and stuffed animals yet but I’m thinking I might let it stay, depending on how full the room feels once I get everything in place. I’m going to try and use the closet space that I have available so I can have more room in the main part of my room.

I spent an hour yesterday researching classes on the U of I website. I’m really excited. I know in the fall I will have to be taking at least 2 if not 3 science classes but that leaves room for one “underwater basketweaving” class, as Nana calls it. They have a ballroom dancing class that they offer and I’m planning on taking it. I’ve also discovered that of the seven classes I selected, three of them were considered religion classes. So, if I get tired of trying so hard for medicine, I might get another degree in religion. I think it would be fascinating. Or I’d get a degree in Women’s studies. Those classes are fascinating, too. I’m feeling a bit all over the place right now. I’d really like to meet with my advisor at Iowa but since they don’t register for fall classes until the end of April, I’m sure she’s not ready to meet with people about their life yet. Except that I feel like I need to get things rolling so I can have my ducks in a row when it comes time to register on May 1st. (Non-degree seeking students register last.) Hopefully there will be space in the classes I want and need to take. I’m sure chemistry won’t be a problem, or physics, since I’m starting at the beginning but some of the smaller classes I might have more difficulty getting into.

I’ve decided that if Amanda gets her internship, then I will take a class this summer and if she does not get her internship then I will not take a class this summer, mostly because it would interfere with our plans for Lori’s wedding if I’m taking a class. I really want Amanda to get the internship, not just so I can take a class, though that would help me out from the fall, but because I think it would be really good for her. I think she would really enjoy it and it would be a great experience for her to have. Plus, she’d be living in Florida for six months and who wouldn’t want to do that?

I’m looking forward to watching Jesus Christ Superstar tonight. It’s a family tradition that we dye Easter eggs and watch JC Superstar on Good Friday. Even though it’s a rock opera, it’s a great telling of the story of the Passion of Christ and we love watching it. Though Mel Gibson’s Passion movie came out a few years ago, we have never seen it. I feel slightly guilty about it because Christ died for our sins so I should be able to watch a movie about the gory death he had but I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m sure he understands. Its not like I’m rejecting Christ when I refuse to watch the bloody version and instead choose to watch the musical version. I think that both versions are valid and some people may object strenuously to watching a musical but love watching the more violent version. It’s a matter of taste and no one can really say definitely which is the more appropriate version.

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